Gents of Texas A&M

Shaping honorable men through shared experience, brotherhood, and learning.

Shaping honorable men through shared experience, brotherhood, and learning.

Our Story

16 Years Later…

Gents was founded in 2007 by a group of friends determined to carve out a niche for themselves and those of similar interests. Formerly Gentlemen Enabling Nations to Succeed, Gents was born from a love of international events as well as brotherhood.

Today, Gents has come to be respected as one of Texas A&M's premier men's organizations. Our membership spans freshmen to graduate students across every college at Texas A&M University. Gents of Texas A&M represents a passion for new experiences, brotherhood, professionalism, and an aim to grow ourselves as well as the community around us.

Humility, Empathy, Authenticity, Altruism

What We Do

Iron Freedom Foundation

Gents of Texas A&M has proudly supported the Iron Freedom Foundation for several years, a non-profit organization that serves veterans through wilderness therapy and fellowship. Over the past few years, we have donated to the Iron Freedom Foundation through Songfest, profit shares, and service events that we have held. Support from Gents has helped fund several veterans' outings with the IFF, and we hope to continue to raise money for veterans' benefit. To learn more, visit


In 2022, we partnered with Aggie Sweethearts, dancing an energetic routine to the movie Tron. After 3 months of work with our wonderful chairs, we were able to perform on the big stage.

We are eager to dance at Songfest 2023 partnering with Aggie Gems!

Songfest 2021

In 2021 we had the pleasure of performing Twilight at Songfest 2021 with AOII. After three months of hard work and an incredible bonding experience, we were able to raise money for our philanthropy. Songfest provided our New Guys with an excellent opportunity to bond with both our Old Guys, as well as a great group of women. Last year Ryan Ho served as our songfest chair and did an incredible job coordinating everything.

Look forward to seeing us with Aggie Sweethearts at Songfest 2022!

The Big event

Every year Gents participates in The Big Event benefiting the entire community of Bryan/College Station. We partnered this year with Legacies to make a bigger impact. We look forward to teaming another group for Big Event 2022.


Adopt A street

Gents of Texas A&M takes pride in keeping the Bryan-College Station area beautiful. As one of our service projects, we come together to clean and pick up litter along Southwest Avenue.

©2023 Gents of Texas A&M. All Rights Reserved.